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Light at the end of what seems like an "Forever Tunnel"

Firstly... I need to apologise for being away for so long..however if I am totally honest not a lot has happened since my last post and now, really it's been then repeat. I suppose my hair has gotten longer...

Although I am a little shocked at how grey I am!?!?! I guess having had super long blonde hair I was able to hide the fact from myself just how old I am getting.... yup after all this year is the BIG 40 for me. Anyways before I waffle off topic...

So that is definitely an added bonus...right? I don't have to go around wearing my hat anymore, which is kind of liberating in it's own right.

As you all know I did not go down the route of getting a wig, I braved the bald head of "uncle Fester" and braved through it all with just my little stars hat for company.

But soon I will be able to put it away for good and it will become a distant part of my journey with Inflammatory Breast Cancer as my hair grows out and I need to wear it less and less.

I can finally say I am nearing the end of the journey where I actually have to have things like chemo...radiotherapy etc... I started my Rads on Monday leaving me now with 12 sessions as of today.

And once that is all completed...I can be left in peace to try and recover some resemblance of normality in my life again.

I managed to get a video setup of my Rads of what they do before you actually get zapped, as I am hoping that it will take away all this taboo surrounding Cancer and what it is exactly that we all go through and to hopefully be able to put people at ease that are about to go through this aspect of their journey so that its not the "boogyman under the bed" but in fact just another step in the battle we fight against cancer.

I get to do the breath hold which means hold your breath for as long as you can while we zap you....and today was the longest in one go.....drum role please.... 1 minute and 10 I have come to learn, the longer you hold it the first part the shorter you have to do it in the second part....and then you are done...

And I got one question....why when you are in the middle of all that...your nose decides to get super itchy and you gotta scratch it but know for the next 2min that there is nothing you can do about it??

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