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BYE BYE Chemo...

Dear Chemo... Today is my last one and I survived's been a blast but I won't be doing YOU again...bye bye!! So here we come to the end of my Chemotherapy journey and boy am I glad it's over. Last part of this is getting the PICC line removed on the 22nd December...YAY!!

Sadly with this GOOD news I also got some RUBBISH news...!

Thought I would write and let you know that I now have a date for the double mastectomy surgery - 4th January 2018. Right after I have that I have to start radiotherapy ​​​ and oh heck sorry but this is where my rant begins...not with you of course but how fucked up my Dr is. When I went to see her about two weeks ago she clearly stated and I asked her three times, that I would NOT be requiring radiotherapy because of how well I had responded to the chemo, her words not mine. So then when I was at my surgery appointment I find out she's gone behind my back and had further discussions saying that I WILL be having the radiotherapy.

Well as I am sure you can appreciate, this really upset the hell out of me..firstly don't tell me one thing and then go behind my back and do something else. This upset me so much I booked a call with her​. So she calls me back and goes straight into denying ever having the conversation with me saying that I would not be needing the radiotherapy...I was like..."Are you kidding me?" She denies..denies denies..I called her out for it and she said well it was all verbal and I can't prove anything....I literally blasted her down the phone.

I absolutely lost the plot as I now have all this to deal with, but now I have all the financial implications to worry about, as from what I hear you have to go daily everyday for a minimum of 3 some cases a lot more, and I won't be able to drive due to the surgery, so how the heck do I afford getting to and from the hospital...expensive £20 a day Taxi fares until I can drive myself??

I am so flippen stressed with this all right now I'm sure my head is going to implode on me., which I am sure is NOT good for my recovery, so them getting something like this SERIOUSLY WRONG has just caused a lot off added stress that I did not need to be dealing with right now.

I apologise, this was meant to be a positive post about no more Chemo and instead as turned into a mini-rant about all the upcoming stresses and worries...

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