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CHEMO #5, still going STRONG..still fighting

So today has finally arrived and chemo no 5 is where I am at. This means I just have to get through anything this chemo chucks at me and then one more to go and I am DONE....finito....end of the line for you Cancer, thank you for politely FUCK OFF!! We are done...relationship over, you have been in my body and overstayed your welcome so now it is time to vacate the property.

And since I don't have to deal with the same issues that I had during chemo #4 I am hoping that this will be a much smoother next three weeks, I am not dealing with just finished fighting a nasty cold, or suffering a throat infection, meaning that my white blood cells this time are a lot higher than last time around, I am hoping the injections don't attack me too badly this time and I get through the first week with little to no back pain, but if I do I have soluble morphine as a back up just in case.

So I go into this week and the next two with the best POSITIVER OUTLOOK and why not....I have just one left to do....just one more little Chemo and then I am done for the year...!!

Looking back I haven't even let it sink in...just how I have coped....being STRONG not only for me, but everyone around me too. and DAMMIT I have been a WARRIOR....hear me ROAR...🦁 is so true the saying: You don't know how strong you are, until being strong is the only choice you have!!

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