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Double mastectomy Drama...

As you all know I went in for my Double mastectomy last Thursday (4th January) unfortunately my body did not handle the surgery well and I started internally bleeding, however this would have been picked up on earlier had they not sent me home before midday the very next day...YES...less than 24hrs.

By the time we realised something was really wrong the next day I had already drained 450ml blood not to mention what I was internally bleeding as well as the haematoma which caused my blood pressure to drop dangerously.

So went back to hospital in an ambulance and had to go through the excruciating pain of being opened up again and drained internally...this means two major surgeries in less than a 48hr spacing. When I came out I had drained another 500ml blood, this totalling 950ml drain plus internal took me to losing 1300ml-ish of blood. I had to have a blood transfusion on Monday and was kept in hospital until Wednesday where they first removed my left drain as it had worked and finished draining all fluids/blood from my left side.

Today (Friday 12th January) I can finally say I am starting to mend...I was actually able to fully dress myself without any issues and am pleased to report that the drain has only drained 150ml to date. This means on Monday coming I will be able to have this drain removed and I can FINALLY start to fully recover...

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