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CT Scan Results

Today I got the results from the CT scan I had yesterday, I was told that fortunately the cancer has not spread from the lymph nodes to any of my organs or bones yet. That was AMAZING, that the nurse decided to call me and tell me so that I didn't spend the entire week-end worrying about it until my Oncology appointment on Tuesday.

At the Oncology appointment if all goes to plan, I will have 4 months of chemotherapy to start with. Now we just need to see IF this type of chemo works. Unfortunately, the type of cancer I have does not usually respond to the first type of chemo, but it's the best treatment so they will start with it and see if it works. If not, then they will try other types.

I am also going to be trying the cold cap in the hopes of not losing all my hair, but I have been told it's 50/50. I may keep hair and/or I may lose it all. After all of that treatment, and once the cancer has shrunk enough, I will be having a bilateral mastectomy. Bye bye bad boobs, hello life. After that, I will be on hormone drugs for at least 5 years.

Plus side...I got to wear this for the CT scan...

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