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I have stage 3 Breast Cancer I got my diagnosis, I have inflammatory breast cancer Stage 3 and told that it has already spread to my lymph nodes. To say it was unexpected was putting it mildly. At 38? Are you kidding me? Isn't cancer more likely to happen in ones forties as the normal wisdom. Apparently not with me. OK so to be honest I had a suspicion but thought that it was only in my breast, I had no idea that it had already spread as far as my lymph nodes and were already a grade 3.

I cried for about 5 seconds, and then said..."What now?" "What are we going to do to make me better?" I guess it's still not sunk in yet? I'm not really sure how to feel if I am 100% honest, and I hate people telling me how I SHOULD feel. Each person is different and we all deal with things differently.

For me, I am practical, and positive, and I will not let having C.A.N.C.E.R stop me living my life or being me. Tomorrow I am having a CT scan to make sure that the cancer has not spread from the lymph nodes to any organs, as then that will be a whole other kettle of fish...

So today I start writing this blog to chronicle my cancer journey with tears heating my eyes, knowing I have to walk this journey, for myself that wants to live. Let's talk about life, let's talk about living....surviving and beating cancer..

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